In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health
In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health Thursday, October 7th from 2:00pm - 3:00pm at the SMC Campus Center - Elm Room 208A To join virtually, register here. NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations feature powerful stories from NAMI Metro Baltimore volunteers about their experiences with mental health. Join us, in person or…
Suicide Awareness
Suicide Awareness Thursday, October 7th at 3:00 PMTo join, click here. Learn about suicide prevention by discussing signs, finding ways to talk about it, and accessing resources available. Sponsored by Student Support and Wellness Services. Use these credentials to join: Meeting ID: 936 6382 4983 Passcode: DmKNq0
Yoga on the Yard
Yoga on the Yard Thursday, October 7th from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM No registration required - Get your blood and breath flowing with us at Morgan Commons!
In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health
In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health Thursday, October 7th from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in Knott Hall, Room B03 NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions and stereotypes by describing the reality of living with mental illness. Come and listen as people with mental health conditions share their powerful…
A Day Without Headphones
A Day Without Headphones Friday, October 8th - All Day We encourage you to participate in A Day Without Headphones in honor of the #IWillListen Campaign Week. Keep your headphones off today and show your friends and classmates that you're listening. We can all support each other's mental health by listening!
MythBusters: Mental Health Edition Round 2
MythBusters: Mental Health Edition - Round 2! Friday, October 8th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM in WV Commons, 2nd Floor - Table 2 Come spin the prize wheel and test your knowledge on mental health trivia with the Healthy & Diverse Minds Peer Educators! Week Long Initiative: #IWillListen Relaxation Basket Raffle Giveaway Every time…
Hope for Life Prayer Circle
Hope for Life Prayer Circle Friday, October 7th at 11:55AM No registration required - Join us on the Academic Quad!
Mood Gym Webinar
Mood Gym Webinar Friday, October 8th at 12PM. To register, click here. Come join in this “fitness” experience designed to help you strengthen your “muscles” for managing stress and overwhelming emotion. Emotional and cognitive exercises to improve your ability to express emotions effectively will be woven throughout this experience. No mic or camera is needed.
In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health
In Our Own Voice: Personal Stories of Mental Health Friday, October 8th from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM in Mary Fisher Dining Hall This presentation provides: An opportunity to hear open and honest perspectives on a highly misunderstood topic A chance to ask leaders questions, allowing for a deeper understanding of mental health conditions and…
#IWillListen Group Picture
#IWillListen Group Picture Friday, October 8th at 12:00 PM No registration required - Wear your #IWillListen t-shirt and join our group picture on the Academic Quad!
Community Happy Hour
Community Happy Hour Friday, October 8th at 2:00 PM To join, click here. Join this event to make connections with your fellow BCCC students during this time of remote learning! Sponsored by Student Life and Engagement. Use these credentials to join: Meeting ID: 860 2362 7984 Passcode: 3dDpvf
Community Conversation with the Healing Us Together (HUT) Project
Community Conversation with the Healing Us Together (HUT) Project Saturday, October 9th from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. To register, click here. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed students to severe educational and social stressors, including social distancing, campus closures, reduced access to campus life, and forced online learning. Those stressors along with systemic oppression, toxic home…