
National Depression Screening Day

National Depression Screening Day Thursday, October 7th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM   No registration required - Come check up on your mental health at the USC Bear Cave Lounge! If you've been feeling down or sad lately, we want you to know you're not alone. We're in this together, and it's important to…

Yoga on the Yard

Yoga on the Yard Thursday, October 7th from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM   No registration required - Get your blood and breath flowing with us at Morgan Commons!  

A Day Without Headphones

A Day Without Headphones Friday, October 8th - All Day   We encourage you to participate in A Day Without Headphones in honor of the #IWillListen Campaign Week. Keep your headphones off today and show your friends and classmates that you're listening. We can all support each other's mental health by listening! 

Hope for Life Prayer Circle

Hope for Life Prayer Circle Friday, October 7th at 11:55AM   No registration required - Join us on the Academic Quad!  

#IWillListen Group Picture

#IWillListen Group Picture Friday, October 8th at 12:00 PM  No registration required - Wear your #IWillListen t-shirt and join our group picture on the Academic Quad!  

Community Conversation with the Healing Us Together (HUT) Project

Community Conversation with the Healing Us Together (HUT) Project Saturday, October 9th from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. To register, click here. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed students to severe educational and social stressors, including social distancing, campus closures, reduced access to campus life, and forced online learning. Those stressors along with systemic oppression, toxic home…

Mental Health Awareness Tabling & Giveaways

Mental Health Awareness Tabling & Giveaways When: Monday, September 26th from 11:00am - 1:00pm Where: USC Bear Cave Lounge Stop by our table to learn more about mental health, pick up your free giveaways, and take the pledge to listen to your peers!

Stress Test Screening

USC Bear Cave Lounge

Stress Test Screening with the Counseling Center When: Tuesday, September 27th from 11:00am - 1:00pm Where: USC Bear Cave Lounge Join us to learn more about mental health and get your stress levels screened by Morgan State's Counseling Center!

Game Night

USC Bearcade

Game Night When: Tuesday, September 27th from 7:00pm - 9:00pm Where: USC Bearcade Join us for a free night of game play at the USC Bearcade!

A Day of Wellness

USC Bear Cave Lounge

A Day of Wellness When: Wednesday, September 28th from 11:00am - 1:00pm Where: USC Bear Cave Lounge Stop by for free smoothies and healthy snacks and to learn more about mental health!

How to Prevent Burnout As a College Student & Free Yoga Session

USC Ballroom A

How to Prevent Burnout as a College Student & Free Yoga Session When: Wednesday, September 28th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm Where: USC Ballroom A Join us to learn more about strategies and tools to prevent burnout as a college student, followed by a free yoga session. This event is sponsored by the Sophomore Class and…

Self Care Takeover – Painting & Journaling

USC Ballroom BC

Self Care Takeover - Painting & Journaling When: Wednesday, September 28th from 7:00pm - 9:00pm Where: USC Ballroom BC Prioritize your self care and join us for an evening of painting and journaling! This event is sponsored by the Campus Activities Board.